
Laurent Binet: Die siebte Sprachfunktion. Roman. Übers. v. Kristian Wachinger. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag 2018, S. 328 ff. [i.e. Kap. 58]:

»Shift into overdrive in the linguistic turn« 
Cornell University, Ithaca, fall 1980 
(Conference organizer: Jonathan D. Culler)

List of talks:

Noam Chomsky
Degenerative grammar

Hélène Cixous

Jacques Derrida
A Sec Solo

Michel Foucault
Polysemiespiele in Artemidors »Traumdeutung«

Félix Guattari
Das Zeichensystem des Despotismus

Luce Irigaray
Pallogozentrismus und Metaphysik der Substanz

Roman Jakobson
Staying alive, structurally speaking

Fredric Jameson
The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a socially symbolic act

Julia Kristeva
Die Sprache, das unbekannte Wesen

Sylvère Lotringer
Italy: Autonomia — Post-political politics

Jean-François Lyotard
Mundpropaganda: Die postmoderne Rede

Paul de Man
Napolebumm: Destruktion in Frankreich

Jeffrey Mehlman
Blanchot, the laundry man

Avital Ronell
»Because a man speaks, he thinks he’s able to speak about language.« — Goethe & the metaspeakers

Richard Rorty
Wittgenstein vs. Heidegger: Clash of the continents?

Edward Saïd
Exile on Main Street

John Searle
Fake or feint: performing the f words in fictional works

Gayatari Spivak
Should the subaltern shut up sometimes?

Morris J. Zapp
Fishing for supplement in a deconstructive world